The Gray Type - BTSIMG_9921fIMG_9976IMG_9920IMG_9918IMG_9881 kopiaIMG_9913IMG_9866IMG_9867IMG_9847IMG_9860IMG_0107 kopia1IMG_0093IMG_0122IMG_0170IMG_0014IMG_9846IMG_9872 Some photos from our first few days of shooting 'The Gray Type' - the short film created as part of our latest film project - taken by Amanda Thyr Bodin!
IMG_9921fIMG_9976IMG_9920IMG_9918IMG_9881 kopiaIMG_9913IMG_9866IMG_9867IMG_9847IMG_9860IMG_0107 kopia1IMG_0093IMG_0122IMG_0170IMG_0014IMG_9846IMG_9872 Some photos from our first few days of shooting 'The Gray Type' - the short film created as part of our latest film project - taken by Amanda Thyr Bodin!